Places of interest
General Announcements
Tender invitation notice for annual canteen services for the FY2024-2025
Damphu town plot owners to collect thram from Municipal office.
Annual catering price schedule for the FY2024-2025
Staff of Tsirang Dzongkhag visit Gelephu Mindfulness City.
With the objective of endorsing the budget for the Financial Year 2024-2025 and reviewing the resolutions from the previous Dzongkhag Tshogdu,…
Notification Period :
Catering Quotation for Damphu Hospital
Notification Period :
Corrected version: Tender documents for Cafeteria at Football ground
Notification Period :
Re-Tender - Notice Inviting Tender for hiring of vehicles
Notification Period : To
Letter of Intent for CCTV in Damphu Town
Notification Period : To
Letter of Intent for the construction of suspended bridge over Chanchey river from Chamray,Tsirangtoed
Notification Period : To
Letter of Intent for Construction of 6 unit classroom at DCS
Notification Period : To
Work order for Maintenance of staff quarter at Damphu
Notification Period : To
Letter of Acceptance to Druk Sam Construction
Notification Period :
Work order for reof painting at Mendrelgang CS
Alert Message
Service Delivery Standard
Public service delivery Standard for Tsirang Dzongkhag