Gosarling Gewog is one of the twelve Gewogs in Tsirang Dzongkhag with total population of 2385. The Gewog is 13 KM away from the Dzongkhag having the altitude ranging from 700 to 1300 meter above the sea level. The gewog has 5 Chiwogs namely Phelrithang, Phuensumgang, Dzomlingthang, Dzomlingzor and Pemathang. The Gewog has 25 villages with 267 households. The Gewog office has five staffs headed by Gup (Ram Bdr Karki).
The gewog has a total of 312.87acres of dry land and 405.92 acres of wet land. Agricultural land use is, therefore, dominated by wetland cultivation followed by dry land. The principal crops grown are maize and paddy. Mandarin is grown as the dominant cash crop.
In terms of development facilities, agriculture, livestock, and forestry services are availed from the RNR extension centers in the gewog. We have a Lhakhang at Manidara in the heart of the Gewog and Hindu Lhakhang located in Changchey.
Damphu to Changchey feeder road passes through the gewog providing motorable road access to about 60% of the villages. Health services and facilities are availed from the Damphu General Hospital in Kilkorthang Gewog. While education is provided by a gewog community school i.e from class PP to IV. Almost all the chiwogs have access to piped water facilities. With regard to irrigation facilities, every household have access to it.